Full Coaxial

Your facility has no Ethernet or WIFI network.

  • Channel playback

    • Via the coaxial network
  • Check in / check out

    • TVs receive channel plans via the coaxial network according to their package.
      Messages and information can be sent directly to the patient.
  • on premise
  • cloud

This solution is exclusive to Maxcote. A server at the head of the network broadcasts TV rights over the Coaxial network.

The PMS is compatible with the solution in both Cloud (Saas) and local (On premise) architectures. PMS can be accessed via your web browser, hostesses can CheckIn/CheckOut, and billing and entitlement management are carried out in the same way as for other infrastructures.

TVs receive their channel plan via the Coaxial network, but no entertainment is available on the patient's TV. Only his rights-based channel plan will be available on his TV.

To know more

Our solution can also operate in a Full IP environment mixed with a Hybrid (WIFI + Coax) and/or full Coaxial environment.

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